Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Company's Own Field of Dreams: Chapter 2: The Field of Dreams Bathroom

Read this post first, then come back:
Well, folks, I guess they decided that those bathrooms which we have our prospects use when Mother Nature calls were unacceptable.
Cause now those bathrooms have been remodeled, and they look Nice.
And expennnnnnnnnsivvvvvvvve.
I really admire the ingenuity of whoever figured out how they were going to work over those tired old bathrooms. The partitions have been painted with a nubby charcoal colored paint and look brand spanking new. Now, if the workmen hadn't painted right over the hinge hardware, it would look *really* new. Shame on them.
Same thrones, same floors. But the lighting's different. Specifically, it may be the peak of the sun's brightness the day that you visit the commode to take your morning crap, but once you step into the FOD bathrooms, you're stepping into ambiance, kids. It's lit like Red Lobster's bathrooms...dark.
Don't get me wrong, the bathrooms look nice. They changed the wallpaper, added crown molding, and a crown molded shelf too. They also changed out the counters so that they have those sinks that mount under the new granite or whatever countertops. And there's these cool new mirrors. They're oval with black frames; I really like that touch.
See what I mean about the expensive bit?
That's ok; we haven't talked about the crown jewel of this lovely remodel. Or jewels, I should say.
The fixtures were changed out and now we have motion sensor faucets. No biggie, right? Yeah, I saw that shit at the mall too.
Wait. They didn't stop there. To complement that technological crown jewel known as the Field of Dreams, witness the grace of motion sensor paper towel dispensers.
But they didn't stop there. And, honestly, I saw motion sensor towel dispensers at Wal-Mart, so that's not too exciting.
No, the one thing that surprised me was the motion sensor soap dispensers.  
Yep. Motion sensor soap dispensers.
I guess that makes the company-wide staff who got zilch for Christmas feel much better now. After all, our company can lay claim to a motion-sensor fuckin' orgy in the FOD bathrooms. What more could we as employees ask for? What more do we need in order to bask in the glow of industry technological superiority that we obviously enjoy?
I bet the people in Client Services are really glad they're working their asses off and getting nothing at Christmas while we're installing motion-sensor-everything except motion-sensor bidets in the fucking restrooms.
Well, it's getting late and I have yet to hook up my new DVD player so I'm gonna go have fun with that, and I'll see y'all tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was cute the way you posted to yourself in the old post.