Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Work in Progress

This doily is my current work in progress. I love to make these things. This one will be about 19" wide, I think. That's what the directions say. It's just going to be white and then I am thinking about adding some dye to certain parts of it...or maybe fabric paint, I don't know. I wish I knew someone who dyes their own thread and yarn...maybe they could give me some tips.

I plan to buy a 'fake' doily at Hobby Lobby and then play with it rather than risk one that I've made that took a month to produce.

This is a close up picture of the detail of stitches used in making the doily.

Looking back, I just realized I've made about 5 doilies so far, not including the disastrous first one. They are just so pretty that I never get tired of making them.

I started crocheting because someone on a bulletin board for eating disorders ( recommended that I get a hobby to do late at night when I'm alone, after my little foster munchkin had gone to bed. So first I made a royal blue fuzzy blanket that I love to this day (this was in 2004). Next I made a blanket for Niece to take to 'school'. She loved it. Then I made a baby blanket. Then I made my first diastrous doily. Then I made the next doily, and so on.

Hobbies can give you a sense of accomplishment and a way to fish for compliments. :o) And that's important when you feel like you're a failure at everything you put your hand to. I had a problem where I never wanted to finish things I start and it thrills me to bits that I can finish something that many people think is just absolutely blindingly difficult. And this really helped me to get over my fear of finishing things.

It seems silly that someone would have a fear about finishing things, doesn't it? Yet there it was. I'm sure it had something to do with a fear of being bored.

Anyway, this is what I'm working on now. The next pictures of my other doilies are going to be really cool. :o)

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