Thursday, April 13, 2006

An Imploded Bubble

Temporary Irritations
Nitpicker applied for the EA position. She doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Or, if she got it, she'd be fired faster than you can say shit with a mouthful. She doesn't have the cajones to survive that position.
But there is one who would. That one is Twiggy. May we find her now!
lol, a little twelve step humor there. Moving along...
Anyhoo, Nitpicker came up to me today and wanted to tell me something.
"I think Twiggy applied for that position!"
"Really? That's awesome. She'd fit in like a round peg. Napoleon loves her, and she knows all those guys, plus how ABC Nuts and Bolts works, so she should definitely go for it."
"She deserves that position, definitely! And then maybe I could have her old job!!!"
"That would be awesome." It would be. She may be irritating, but today she seems less irritating than Twiggy. It's so nice not to have a receptionist who's so overqualified and senior that you can't work well with her.
My heart really lifted at the idea that Twiggy might have applied. For one, the search would be over, and that would be awesome. Two, she really deserves it. I've encouraged her a lot. It would be cool to think that I had been encouraging enough to build her up so she'd go for it. Third, she'd be out of my hair. Finally, I wouldn't be the lowest man on the totem pole, even though, technically, my job is more challenging than hers and more well paid.
But then I saw Twiggy and Supervisor coming back from their little meeting, and saw what Twiggy was carrying -- a performance appraisal. My heart sank. She didn't apply for the position.
I didn't burst Nitpicker's bubble and tell her the truth. I didn't have an opportunity, and besides, why bother?
In other news, everyone was really awesomely nice to me today. I mean, really. They stopped by my cube in droves to wish me a happy vacation. I'm thinking to myself, WTF? They can't wait till I'm not here or something? Aw, shit, forgot to put my OOO message on email. Damn. I mean, someone even stopped me in the garage and wished me happy vaCAY! Eeeeeew, that word! Yucky! But the sentiment was not lost on me.
I guess developing a sense of humor and showing up on time for work really makes an impression on people. It sure as hell makes my job more tolerable.
Anyone notice the profanity flying? That's because I'm not at work LOL. Sorry!

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