Monday, April 24, 2006

Junk Food Weekend

My food was such a dump this weekend.

Friday night was ok -- soup and toast for dinner, plus the usual meals during the day. Friday evening was a little, um, different though. I watched a movie and had some twizzlers nibs. :)

Saturday was a little messy. I got up late, as I tend to do on Saturdays and Sundays. So I skipped right over breakfast and moved on to lunch, which was alright. Then I went to a movie and that was groovy.

One Moment Please...A Dog Leg into Passion of the Christ
But then afterward, I went home and watched another movie, that rather bloody one that lets us Christians know exactly what Jesus went through for our sins.

While I'm on the subject, let me share with you that The Passion of the Christ didn't resonate with me, as a story of Jesus' sacrifice for us, nearly as much as watching Aslan climb the mountain and be sacrificed in Edmond's stead in Chronicles of Narnia. Passion of the Christ just had too much seemed to me to be one big excuse to show blood and gore.

It would have been easier to understand and feel Jesus' pain and suffering and how much he felt it if they had had him scream more. I know that's horrible to say, but come on. If someone were whipping you with a cat o'nine tails or a flagella, which has little metal bits on the ends to bite into your skin, you'd be flippin screamin and writhing a little more than Jim Caviezel did. The guy was full God at the same time that he was full Man, right? I'm just sayin'...let us see it. If you're going to do the gore and blood, then let us really feel the pain.

Maybe I was just a little desensitized after having watched Silent Hill, which had scenes of people burning alive, including a presumptive 6 year old. Extreme gore all the way, peeps. And let me tell you, Silent Hill may have been creepy, but it was shitty. Very, very shitty. The plot was all chopped up and very unintelligible. You can get some parts, but not much.

Back to the Food
So during Silent Hill, I had some nachos. Which sucked. I am definitely losing my taste for nachos. They were awesome at first, now they just suck. Plus I get the feeling that that orange goop could also be used to do other shit, like as a solvent to clean other kinds of goop off of stuff. So I think that's it for the movie nachos.

I came home Saturday night, and having nothing to do and no yearning for my mattress, opted to watch Passion of the Christ. Did I mention that I may have stopped by Baker's on the way home and acquired a package of Twizzlers Cherry Bites? And 2 diet pepsis? Yeah, I thought I may have forgotten to mention that.

How I managed to eat cherry bites while watching someone be graphically tortured by (unbelievably) raucously laughing ancient Romans and the BC version of rock-throwing crazy middle-easterners is fucking beyond me.

A COE with her cherry bites is capable of anything, I guess. Except ceasing to eat cherry bites while there's still some left in the fuckin bag. It wasn't a binge though...a binge, to me, leaves you with that uncomfortable, "Oh God, I didn't know my stomach was capable of holding that much food, because I'm about to fuckin blow up!" feeling.

So, back to the junk food confessional...
....after finally finishing Passion of the Christ, which was not a great movie in any sense, and I'm not even going to qualify that with a "in my humble opinion", I started trying to watch "Beyond the Sea", the biopic of Bobby Darrin...another movie that I'm not real excited about so far. I haven't finished it yet, so I guess the jury's out about that.

Then, today was my day to babysit Niece, which was awesome. Did I mention that she and I went to the park yesterday? That was cool also. Foster Mom gave her a whole pack of Peeps to eat. Not cool. Yuck. I said she could have two. Niece was fine with that. Naturally.

We had a great time...and more junk food. Specifically, we went and had lunch with my parents, which meant a trip to Council Bluffs from West Omaha (read $3.00 of gas) to the casino for their Buffet of Death.

I had skipped breakfast, so I combined the two meals into one. Sponsor wouldn't be happy, I'm sure. Oh well. Felt better about food choices the rest of the day. Reasonable dinner. Yay.

And now we head into Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like you did so bad. I was doing so well on my diet up until a couple of weeks ago, couldn't figure out why it had taken me so long to get to that point. Now I can't even imagine dieting/exercising, can't figure out how the hell I found time or ambition. Its ridiculous. Anyway, sounds like you did okay and today's a new day. I kinda liked By The Sea, didn't see the others, but By The Sea was pretty great for a movie that was in my "if there's not another thing to watch" pile.