Friday, April 07, 2006

Director Irritation #57: Making Me Stress or Stay Late for No Good Reason

There is this one director that I really like. We're going to call him Wet Behind the Ears because he's the youngest director on the sales staff. He's funny and nice but doesn't seem to have his sh*t together. He's still not as bad as Peanut Butter though.

Anyway, yesterday was a surprisingly busy day. I was here about 30 minutes late because (man, I am really losing track of these names) one of my directors (we'll call this one Leprechaun because he's got red hair and may be considered unattractive by some) really needed some filing done. Since I was at the doctor's office on Tuesday for so long, I decided to do the filing after work so I'd lose less time. I also hate doing these little jobs that require me to be away from my desk because I just know that work orders are piling up. And everyone needs everything right the f*ck now.

So Wet Behind the Ears sends me a print and bind job and he wants it done by close of business.

"Do you absolutely need this before close of business? Because I have to do this expense report for the Pill Popper and the deadline is today."

"Hmm…can you have it done by tomorrow morning? Cause I'll be running around tomorrow."

"Yep, I can do that."

So I notice around 11am that I forgot to do this and I run around like my butt is on fire and I think the wind from running will put it out.

Then the print server goes down. Oh no!!! Then my favorite director, the King, stops by, and tells me that Wet Behind the Ears isn't running around to see clients today. He's watching the Masters!

What???? And I'm stressing over this?


Ok, I'm fine now. Really. I'm fine.

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