Sunday, April 23, 2006

Beyond the Sea

Ok, this movie isn't too bad. It's just not captivating enough for me to not post during the movie.
In other news, Mr. Wrong's avoiding me like the plague. This should be a development that I welcome, but being the freak that I am, I don't.
Buuuuut, what I really wanted to comment on was the pairing of Kevin Spacey with Kate Bosworth in this movie. Holy Lord, she's a baby compared to him. This is one of those Hollywood things. Geeez. It's ok to pair an extraordinarily young woman with an older man, but NOT, and I repeat, NOT the other way around.
Man, Sandra Dee sure is knockin back the liquor. Gee she looks pissed to be referred to as Mrs. Darin. This is what becoming an extension of your mate looks like. Oooo, she's getting mouthy. Looks pissed. Oh shit, here's the death knell...Bobby says, "Performing is my life." Oh now after that line he's trying to make love to her. Bad move dude. Oh man, they are definitely headed for the Big D. Their marriage is soooooo fucked. Oh man, now he's saying shit about how he'd have won an Oscar if he was married to a huge star instead of his wife. I don't they're both trying to leave eachother. They might just make it after all. Man, Hollywood people are crazier than I am.
Shit, it's 11pm. When are my clothes going to be finished. I HAVE to go home soon.

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