Thursday, April 20, 2006

This Can't Be Right

So I come in to work this morning and I'm sort of zen, but not really. I'm already like an unpinned grenade. One little offense and I could probably just take someone's head off.

Actually, looking back, there was no zen, only an intense feeling of being ready to fight. For my parking space.

MY parking space.

The only perk that I got from adding 2 more people to support to my roster, back when our extra Executive Assistant bit the dust, was the ability to park in the enclosed garage when VPs are out of the office. My two extra people that I support are VPs. They are assigned to me for their support needs. Twiggy does their travel, since she's a travel expert. Anyway, when they were assigned to me, I then got to have the perk of parking in their garage space when they're gone.

For one of the VPs, I always get their space. No one else tries to usurp my perk. But for the other one, well, let's just say I should have been able to park in that space this morning, and I planned on being able to do so, but when I arrived, it turned out that Supervisor had parked in that space.

What is so irritating about that is that I would never be allowed to do the same thing. If I parked in one of her VPs' spaces while they're gone, that she would like to park in…oh screw it!

That is not the point…

The point is that I should not be THIS angry over it. I'm so angry about it that it's ruining my flipping day. A parking space!!!!! Good God!!!!

I'm so angry that I cannot wish for Nitpicker to get the EA position. I'm so angry that it ticks me off that I have to reschedule my meetings to accommodate everyone else. Even though I don't even care to attend those meetings. I feel like I am just so sick of being taken for granted, being treated like what I want doesn't matter, like I am a nobody.

But the truth is that I'm not treated that way. It is just a parking space. Yes, it is a situation where someone was inconsiderate, rude, and selfish. But how many times have I acted that way? How many times have I been late or called in unnecessarily, wasted time doing stuff that has nothing to do with being a secretary? How many times have I filched out of the fridge? I mean, really. It is just a parking space, and Supervisor has always been incredibly kind to me. Why should I be so incensed about her parking in this space? Why? It's just ridiculous…the amount of anger expended on this is nowhere near appropriate to the size of the transgression.

Maybe I'm just ticked at the world.
Maybe I'm having problems because I've had a lot of sugar lately,
maybe I'm ticked because my sister's throwing ultimatums at me and screwing up her life while blaming everyone but herself. And now she wants to screw up Niece's life.

Maybe this,
maybe that,
maybe I just need to flippin SCREAM!

I'm so tired of being f*ckin walked on! I'm praying the Serenity prayer and I'm not getting any serenity…what's up with that? What do I need to do differently?


Anonymous said...

Back away from the chocolate, Sheila...

Anonymous said...

Might try a glass of wine and a 10 horse power vibrator. I mean, it has been awhile, right?