Friday, May 19, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

Unfortunately, because of some of my beliefs, which need not be discussed here :) , I am on Coral Ridge Ministry's email list.

Occasionally they send me stuff about the issue that I'm actually concerned about, but, unfortunately, I also get a lot of 'defense' of marriage bits, anti-gay calls to action, emails about decency standards on TV, and emails about how Christians are taking it up the tailpipe left and right. Yeah, it sucks when your religion starts to fall off the top of the heap, doesn't it?

Check out what I got today:

"Friday, May 19, 2006

Dear Secretary,

Today marks the worldwide premiere of the movie version of The Da Vinci Code.

It also marks the peak of a resurgence of interest in this thrilling fiction.

+ + What Does This Mean to You?

Because this movie (and the book it is based on) excited so much public interest, it is likely you will come into contact with people who have seen the movie or read the book and are eager to talk about their experience. This is an excellent opportunity for more than just a casual conversation. This is an opportunity to share the truth about Jesus and Christianity.

The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ has put together a pamphlet of some of the most glaring factual errors in The Da Vinci Code … While their thoughts are focused on Da Vinci, give them one more piece of the puzzle; the truth! Feel free to make multiple copies. Pass them out at church, share them with your friends, offer them to moviegoers. Use your imagination."

So, what? You want me to evangelize my office? Please. Most of the people who'll go to see that movie are probably folks who are already sick of Christians getting hacked off about a blatant work of fiction, which, to my understanding, has no obligation to be factually correct, especially since it's FICTION. What's another word that starts with F and is related to the word 'fiction'? How about 'fake'? Yeah, that's right, works of fiction AREN'T completely based on FACT. Imagine that!

Oh, but one thing about The Da Vinci Code that's not fiction is the Catholic Church's relentless persecution, in years past, of groups and individuals who questioned its tenets or encouraged the masses to do so. Kinda like what religious juggernaut today? Did you say Islam? That's right.

I'm going to go see The Da Vinci Code just as soon as I'm no longer broke. I hope it's not as bad as what the critics have said.

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