Sunday, May 14, 2006

Boycotting Mother's Day

I boycotted mother's day today.
I ignored my mother (she of "You WHORE!" fame). I ignored my sister.
But my mom got something for my sister for mother's day.
Mom forgets my birthday and forgets me at Christmas and other holidays routinely, but she doesn't fail to get my sister something for mother's day.
Not like it's a competition, but when you're the only one who seems to be trying to preserve a relationship, you get tired of it being a one-sided effort. Eventually, you give up and you get calloused and you just decide that you're tired of your efforts going unnoticed. So then you stop making efforts and getting hurt and disappointed by the lack of response on the part of the other half of the equation.
So you boycott Mother's Day.
Not really in protest or to make your presence or lack thereof felt...but because you just don't care. You feel like it's just a hallmark holiday, designed to get consumers to buy brunches, presents, flowers, and cards, and not really to appreciate mothers.
I wish I had  a friend to go out and just hang out with right now. I'm so bored and I'm alone and I'm listening to Joel's relationship troubles. Yeah. Fun.

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