Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ridiculous? Me?

Hmmm...what's a good nickname for this guy? He is a director who 'lives' on the 2nd floor and he's way, way high maintenance. He occasionally has me do travel for him.
Whenever he wants something, he wants it NOW. I guess he's not getting that I support 20 other people. And they all want their sh&t now too. Whenever I do travel for him, he wants a zillion different options. It's frickin mind-boggling. I don't have the patience for this AT ALL. Such a prima donna, he drives me absolutely nuts!
Then he calls me this morning and before he knows that I have picked up the phone, I hear him say the words, "Ridiculous." Perhaps I think the world revolves around me, perhaps I am just feeling negative, but I'm thinking he meant to be applying that word to me. Perhaps I'm right.

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