Saturday, July 29, 2006

Weekend Movie: In Her Shoes

Bit of a slow starter. But when they have their big falling-out, it starts getting interesting.
It reminded me of something. Their big falling-out was so much like a falling-out that could happen between my sister and I. We'd each pick on eachother about our most obvious weaknesses, pick at eachother's most deep-seated Achilles' heels. Could happen? What am I saying? It should be more like "has happened".
Families are like that. They know all your worst stuff. And if your family's a little screwed up and the screwed up shit overcomes love and trust, then out all your stuff will come when you have any big fights. Hence the namecalling from my mom during our worst fight so far. I'm sure our worst fight is yet to come.
Toni Collette does an awesome job in this film. She pretty much always does though. I had no idea that she was British.
I highly recommend this film. Yeah, it's unabashedly a chick flick. That's what makes it good.

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