Monday, July 10, 2006

Devilish Delights

Have I mentioned before how much I love antagonizing the other admins by constantly giving all leftover goodies to the folks downstairs?


Well, I do. I looooooooooooooove it.


Today I ordered a goodie tray from some local bakery. I told that hot new security guard whose uniform fits just right and who also happens to have a nice derriere, along with a pleasant face, that he and the receptionist should just go snag the leftovers once the clients leave down there, because I am not coming to get the leftovers. LOL. Twiggy is gonna be soooooo ticked off.


She seemed a little frosty last week when I spent almost all week back here, away from her. So she couldn’t do her passive-aggressive bit to get me to answer her phone even though I am taking lead calls and cannot interrupt said calls to answer fat-fingered Geico callers and tell the hapless folk that they have the wrong number. Over. And over.


I know at least one person who doesn’t like me sitting back here, and that’s the VP of Marketing. Here’s the reaction I got from that gentleman:


“What the h*ll is she doing back here?”


“Her computer is broken.”




And then today, “Secretary is your computer broken again?”


“No, it’s just easier to keep on top of Mr. Leads’ stuff by being right here, next to his phones.”


Then he did some whispering to my supervisor, who I happen to be sitting right by.


It’s so nice to feel wanted. I have a feeling that sitting back here doing my work while Mr. Leads is vacationing or has serious back pain is not going to last long, no matter how efficient it is. I could go on and on about this, but I think we’ve covered it.


Yes. The world STILL revolves around me.


Ha! Ha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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