Wednesday, July 05, 2006

RE: Not a good morning so far

-----Original Message-----
From: Sponsor
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:10 AM
To: Secretary
Subject: Re: Not a good morning so far

Write a 20 item gratitude list, you will feel better. Bummer about the
radio though. OJ is not recreational (for now)! Remember, if you abuse
it, you may lose it. Chin up! Sponsor

>>> "Secretary" 7/5/2006 9:06 AM >>>

Subject: Not a good morning so far

1. I had to come to work.
2. My car got broken into and the radio was stolen. I strongly wish to
get a different car RIGHT NOW. However, that is not a possibility, so I
will just have to grin and bear it.
3. My supervisor parked in the spot where I should have been able to
park, then told me there was no parking in the garage when I asked her.

Question: is orange juice considered recreational sugar?

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