Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Guilty Consciences, Resentment, and Jealousy at Work

Guess who made a pointed effort to make sure that I know that one of my Veeps will be out tomorrow so that I can park in their space?

Could it be…Supervisor?

Oh and in other news, we received our annual raises. My 1% really motivates me to work hard for the company. Do you know that I got a 3% raise when I was thinner but showing up to work less often and less timely? And doing less work? I'm not kidding. Gotta love that Napoleon.

At first I didn't think that such a paltry raise would bother me. However, it does. It shouldn't though. Because what am I doing right now? Writing a post in my blog. And what have I spent a lot of time doing today? Surfing the internet. I've also gotten a lot of work done, but I know that I'm not working as hard as I could.

Maybe next year, after a year of consistent good performance, I'll get 1.5%. However, if I'm thinner by then, I may be lucky enough to get 3%.

Some rail thin office worker just walked by saying that she's on a diet so she can wear a bathing suit. Blech. The marketing assistant is rail thin too. Her clothes never look right on her. She's rail thin and very tall. Yet she insists on wearing those hip hugger pants that barely come up over her family jewels. She would look so much better if she wore a normal waistline.

Yes, I'll cop to jealousy. I'm sure it's not all vomit and roses for them; there's probably a lot of purging via gym going on too. :o)

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