Friday, July 07, 2006

A Freefall into the POS Pit

So my car is not the fanciest, newest, or most well-kept one in the world.

Actually, the interior resmbles a gerbil cage.

I keep it clean, but how good can it look with exposed wiring, upholstery with miscellaneous stains, a Plexiglass window and ginormous cracks across the windshield? Answer: not that great.

But it ran like a top. The engine was fab. And then the car stereo was stolen and I could now hear the sorry state of affairs of the brakes.

Grinding...endless grinding. Not in a good way. The brakes even grind when I'm not touching them. The brake pedal travels so far that it actually will start coming back toward you.

Yeah...I'm not taking D anywhere in that thing. Plus the auto mirrors don't work, nor does the AC, nor do the auto-seatbelts, nor does the hatchback. It's got problems up the ying yang.

So I was dead set on getting a newer car. I found what looks like a great deal...a 98 Honda Accord. Much better. Now I won't feel so freaky parking my car between the Mercedes and Jags when I have garage parking. Not good timing for this to happen, financially speaking, but it had to happen sooner or later. When IS good timing financially for you to be backed into a corner and have to buy a different car?

But then my friend Joel pops off with, "Oh, well just pay for the parts for the wagon, and I'll fix it for free." I was like, "Awesome." But that sorta throws off my plans to just buy a new car and ditch this one. And there ARE all the other problems. If I keep this car, I am GUARANTEED to have at least another $300 in repairs for a car that still won't be completely safe and isn't guaranteed to not break down. No car is, I guess, but odds of the 98 Accord breaking down are dramatically lower than my present POS.

I'm confused about what to do. My higher power is exhorting me to at least price out the parts and think hard about whether I should do this for certain. I guess I'll be doing some writing tomorrow to make sure I'm really considering all the options.

Ugh. I hate behaving like some kind of adult or something.

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