Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A New Era

So I've noticed lately that I've been listening to that little voice more often.

No. Not the one that urges me to go and set my sister's care on fire.

This would be the one that gently encourages me to do things like brush my teeth, wash my clothes, do the laundry, do the dishes, lock up the car, take care of myself, yada, yada, yada.

Anyway, I have also noticed that I am becoming more open to that little voice, the little nudges that I get from my higher power, and the instances when my higher power speaks through other people.

So this is kind of a new era in my life. I am tired of how life has gone heretofore, and so now I am trying to change. Seriously.

One of things that kinda came to me through someone else was my guilt at the deceit over the Filching Fridges. I'm not very comfortable with deceit at all. Probably because I don't like feeling guilty. But nonetheless, it's been hard to let go of at least doing two little trips to the Filching Fridges everyday and getting a little something-something outta their cold depths.

Well, I was talking about it with a friend on Friday night…we were talking (actually, she was talking) about how everyone in Program has stolen at one time or another for one reason or another to some degree. That's true. And I was talking about the filching fridges. She said that I obviously felt bad about it. I said I didn't feel very bad about it. She said that if that were true, I wouldn't have mentioned it. I said she was right.

And today I have st ayed away from the filching fridges.

But my resolve is faltering a little bit now, because I stayed up until about 2AM reading a Star Wars book (Dark Nest III: *enter subtitle here*). I don't remember the whole title. There were lots of bugs and Luke finally becomes aware of just exactly how his mother died. It's really sad. What's even sadder is that the author just didn't take the time to really develop that moment. It just flashes by. I know that wasn't the focus of this book's plot, but still, peeps, that's his MOM. You know what I mean?

Anyway, I will probably break my resolve a little and get some caffeine out of the filching fridge. Because I am going to fall asleep if I don't get something going on here.

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