Thursday, July 13, 2006

Raise Your Hand if...

…you think the middle eastern conflict, newly revitalized, is going to blossom into World War III.

I can see it now. First it was just Israel with their evergreen Palestinian problem, or perhaps it was Palestinian with their never-ending Israeli problem. Depends on your point of view, naturally.

Then Lebanon seemed to be helping Palestine, so I gather, and Israel decided to brazenly start fighting with them. Israel seems to be like the scrappy kid on the playground who's willing to fight anyone who steps on his territory in order to prove he's not going to take any sh*t.

Hmm…I wonder who's going to wade into this mess next...


Deech said... is the beginning of World War 3. It is inevitable. I am somewhat nervous about this because the US and Isreal are going to lose on the world scale.

You know we are going to back Isreal. We always do. We will condem Hesbala and sides will be drawn.


Anonymous said...

Yes, what scares me is that Israel is our ally, so we will probably come to her defense. But I think Israel was wrong to go to war over ONE soldier. How many soldiers will a war cost Israel?