Friday, July 28, 2006

Conversation of the Week

New feature.

Over coffee at Denny's last night with a friend whom we'll call Nag.

Nag comes in and sits down. Before he can even sit for long, I notice he's got that ridiculous earpiece in.

"Ummm, Nag?" I sweetly say.


"Oh dear. What's the problem?"

"I haven't even been sitting for a minute and you're already on me about something. Give me a minute. You said you'd be nice." Am I typically mean? Definitely not impossible.



"I'm sorry."

Nag looks taken aback. Holy sh*t! I've admitted I made a mistake. Nag hardly ever admits making mistakes, that must be why this seems like an alien concept to him.

The conversation goes onward and pretty soon we're, ummm, debating something. He's like a dang pitbull about whatever he's debating.

"Don't you ever just concede anything?"

"Ha. I could win a battle of wits with you with half my brain tied behind my back."

"How anyone can utter that line seriously when they didn't even have the originality to think of it themselves is beyond me. Dude, you totally got that from The Princess Bride!" C'mon folks. You know the part -- when the Dread Pirate Roberts climbs up the cliff, meets with the little guy in red, and challenges him to a battle of wits.

"No I didn't. I got it from Rush Limbaugh."

"Oh that explains it. Well then HE got it from The Princess Bride."

"I don't know. He's been around for a long time."

"Well The Princess Bride's been around longer."

"Are you sure?" Here is where we see that Nag is still wet behind the ears, despite being a man-wh*re. Here is where we also see that being a man-wh*re does you no favors intellectually or culturally.

"Yes, I'm sure."

This particular conversation ended when I decided I wasn't happy with its direction, Nag wouldn't just change the subject, and so I paid the check and left.

Wasn't that interesting. Ahhhhh.


Anonymous said...

lol I can't believe you read my blog! I'm honored. :)

Now, are you saying that I have a latent superiority complex or that you do? Because I cannot deal with him and remain sane.

Anonymous said...

wow, I guess now I don't feel so crazy for the shit that went on during my relationship with Nag.

I probably did have superiority complex when I started seeing him and it's probably only recently been shed.

No, he doesn't change, and that is evident in his most recent actions. When it becomes too painful to continue in that way, he will change, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you'll continue to visit! :)