Thursday, July 13, 2006

Soon to be a Family Unit...Again

Well I’m fairly excited. Niece and I will soon be a family unit again. Did I mention this?

So I have to pick out a school for her. I have picked an elementary school that is a magnet center. She will be learned languages starting in kindergarten, but it won't be hardcore, so fear not.

Child care will be tricky. I am itching for foster mom to get her immunizations up to date and do her pre-kindergarten checkup. She's been dragging her feet.

I'm so excited about Niece going to school. I can't wait for us to be able to go and take a tour of the building and whatnot. It'll be so cool! I wonder if I can get a list of the supplies and stuff she'll need from their website. Hmmm..

I hope Niece does okay in regular school. I think she will once she is more secure and away from Mommy Dearest.

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