Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mel Gibson

I'm really getting tired of people going off about Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant while he was totally tanked. That guy didn't know his a*$ from a hole in the ground while he was drunk; does anyone really hold their friends accountable when their friends start going off about this or that while drunk, or do you write it off and say, "Yep, he was definitely drunk."

But, at the same time, if I was Jewish, I think I'd be p*$sed. After all, those thoughts are not going to come out the guy's mouth while drunk unless they were already there while he was sober. Those thoughts were there rolling about in his head long before he went on a bender. Heretofore, he had just (wisely) chosen to keep his mouth shut about them.

Gallery of the Absurd has great bumper sticker for this little incident. It's sooooo right-on. Go check it out.


Anonymous said...

My step dad is Jewish and he doesn't see what the big deal is either.

Anonymous said...

two words: political correctness. (is correctness a word?)