Monday, August 22, 2005

Tonight I meet with Phrecklette's SW

Well, against BF's wishes, I am going to meet with Phrecklette's SW.

BF is deathly afraid that the SW will convince me to keep Phrecklette through transition (transition = the time it will take to transition her to her mom's house). I did tell them to put a halt to finding her a place to be for now, but on reflection, I don't think that's such a good idea after all. I really am pretty burnt out and Phrecklette does deserve better. One point to assuage my conscience; transition might be easier for Phrecklette if she is not with me. I know it'll be easier on me. Although the State is trying to bribe me by paying me around $422 per month to keep Phrecklette, that certainly is not worth it. Haven't I given enough of my life?

Work is going well. Same old, same old. Three client visits this week, all of which I will have to arrive early for.

I got my resume finished. One of my friends helped me figure out the best format. It looks pretty good. But do I really want a new job? I'm kinda debating that one. Although I know my company would have no compunction about shedding me if it fit their needs, they have been really kind to me. All during this thing with Phrecklette, my supervisor has been nice to me, even when Phrecklette got sick when there were only 2 other admins in the office and so they had to work their butts off. And they've been super kind to me even when I was acting like an irresponsible child, calling in sick left and right during my first year here! I am paid really well for what I do here, but I am just so bored with it sometimes. But when you get lemons, you're supposed to make lemonade, right? So I guess it's up to me to make the best of this place. I will keep my options open, but I am not going to be actively searching for a new position.

Well, it's off to the races!

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