Friday, August 05, 2005

It's Friday ---- YES!

Ok so let's check out my horoscope for today...

You may be more unyielding now than you realize and your ideas, however optimistic they may be, can be limiting your choices. You see the world through a fixed lens, making it difficult to adjust to the changing circumstances. Reevaluate your needs and new possibilities will appear that can alter the course you have chosen.

Hmmmm...I wonder what this is talking about. Oh hold on, gotta answer another wrong number call..."no this is not Geico! you fat-fingered knitwit." Actually I'm pretty nice to them, even after 3 years of taking these stupid calls.

ok back to the horoscope...could they be any more broad?

oh another Geico call...this person sounded put off by my vehement no when he asked if this was Geico after I answered the phone..."____ Corporation Sales and Marketing, this is ___, how can I help you?" HELLO! I just answered the phone _______ Corporation! Does that sound like Geico?

See why it's hard to wax philosophic at work? Because I'm too busy explaining to umpteen numbers of knuckleheads that this is not Geico! Forget the stupid horoscope!

oh wait, hey, I can put up links today! Crochet links and gossip links...links links links.

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