Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mr. Leads Wants Me Dead

So I arrive at work and am promptly hit by a wave of reflux. After downing some OJ, the reflux goes away and I am fine. While I try to think about how I'm going to survive this day without the end of it finding me surrounded by vending machine candy wrappers, Mr. Leads stops by.

I immediately think to myself, Oh great. Here comes another project with incomprehensible directions and an unclear objective that will have little to no impact on anything it is supposed to impact, but plenty of inane work for me to do.

Alas, he doesn't have a project like that for me. No, he just wants to chat. Our conversations are always so interesting.

We started talking about the springlike weather we are having and we managed to drift over to the imminent return of birds to the city. Mr. Leads is watching this bird flu thing like a hawk.

"You know, that bird flu travels quickly. There's no cure for it. Since it's carried by birds, it travels quickly, and North America is just waiting to see what's going to happen with it when the birds come back this spring."

"You're frightening me."

Mr. Leads carries on. "Hey, have you ever been to DeSoto Bend to see the annual migration? Birds as far as the eye can see. You should take your little niece out there with you. It's beautiful. You can call out and reserve a spot in the blind and everything. The sky is just FILLED with BIRDS! Sometimes they all land at the same time and lift off at the same time. Birds, birds, birds!!!!"


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