Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Meg Ryan is Bitter About Fame; Oprah Thinks That's Stupid

And she's right…Meg Ryan should really stop whining.

Meg Ryan, who has complained about the downside of fame, asked Oprah Winfrey if she’s ever “bitter” about her fame. “Oh, hell, no,” Winfrey replied. “No?” asked Ryan. “Oh, absolutely not. Do you know, that would be absolutely impossible for me, because I was born a colored girl. I was born at a time in 1954 where to be colored in Mississippi was like against the law. And to have come from where I have come from to now be embittered because lots of people know you or like you, I would have to be totally, completely stupid.”

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11656178/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oprah gets on my nerves a little bit, but she is right this time. That is stupid.