Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Really Did Graduate from Eighth Grade

Really, I did. Believe it or not.

I have a client visit to setup tomorrow. It's the third one this week, and the umpteenth one I've had during my tenure here at ABC Nuts and Bolts. So I kind of know what I'm doing. Believe it or not. I have these things down to a science. I know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it most efficiently. I am the queen of client visits. I don't think anyone except that lovely secretary in client services (who would be great at my job if I ever left) has handled more of these nightmares than me.

That being said, note that all the people I work for are control freaks.

There is this one director (we'll call him Control Freak, or Freak for short) who always calls Twiggy for stuff. He calls her to set up his tours and conference space in the Field of Dreams. It's annoying when he does this, because if he went through me, I could take care of everything in one fell swoop while I help him with his reservations. Oh well. I try not to get hyped up about it.

Anyhoo, moving on…I have a client visit with Freak tomorrow. Freak sent me all the documents that need to be printed for the visit earlier today but I couldn't do it yet because I had another client visit to cope with. This is no problem as I know that all the documents that he's going to need will encompass no more than 1 to 2 hours of work. I also know that I can stay late if I need to. This is very unlikely, as these documents are really not any big deal. Really.

Most directors will just send me their stuff and let me handle it. Not this one -- he f*ckin called and REMINDED ME about it. He left me a voicemail. I wish I hadn't erased it so I could transcribe it, in all its ridiculous glory. I called him back and said, "Hey, Freak, it's me, Secretary. Just wanted to let you know that I have all the documents but haven't had a chance to print yet because of (insert workday details here). But don't worry - we'll have the documents tomorrow no matter what."

So then I go off and help Supervisor with something. A little adventure in the Field of Dreams where we tried to play a .wav file over that kicka** sound system. No dice.

I come back and my little 'you have a message' light is blinking on my phone. I check the message.

Guess who?

It's Freak, reminding me about nametents and agendas. Good God.

Oh well. He gives me a nice Christmas gift every year, so I will not execute him just yet. :o) I will allow him to live for a few more months.

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