Friday, September 09, 2005

We Can All Rest Easy; Mike Brown's Been Fired

Good thing. That dude waited 2 whole days after the bowl-shaped city of New Orleans began filling with Lake Pontchartrain's waters. Dumbass.
Laura Bush came out today and said that Kanye West's claim that Bush doesn't care about black people is disgusting. She's right. I know I said that I was proud of West for saying what he thought, but I didn't say I agreed with everything that came out of his mouth. Did I mention that I like Laura Bush too? :)
I used to think that living in Omaha was like the end of the world. Now I'm glad I live here...tornadoes are nothing compared to earthquakes and hurricanes. I'll take my tornadoes. I guess the Midwest is just plain. Plain landscape, plain weather. But I think I like plain weather a lot more than 'interesting' weather.
Well I got a nice little letter from the IRS stating that they intend to 'levy' on certain assets. What assets? I don't own a house or anything. The biggest thing I own is my car lol. Well, anyway, I am calling them right now...I'm on hold and have been for about 17 minutes and 47 seconds. I wish I had speaker phone on my cell phone, dangit. Oh check it out...some chick named Mrs. Jefferson is now speaking with me. Let's see what kind of payment plan I can get. :)
I think I'm going to have to go to the doctor to verify that what I have is allergies.
Oh and speaking of doctors, I screwed up Phrecklette's psych eval, part 2. The appt was yesterday. Weird, they didn't call me...not like that's their job though.
Well, on with the day today :) Bye :)

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