Tuesday, September 27, 2005

KATE MOSS...You Know There's Something Wrong with You When

you measure your work days in terms of man I feel great today, I'm so on top of EVERYTHING and feel wonderfully cooperative, even with people like that twerp Adminzilla!

But then you know you have bad days when you snap at even your mild-mannered, gracious supervisor, who now appears to be irritated with you just about every day. How she can stand me anymore is beyond me. I get a chip on my shoulder so frickin easily, as anyone who might…or more than likely might NOT…read this blog can attest.

Prozac used to smooth all this stuff right out…but then again it also smoothed out my sense of urgency about ANYTHING, my libido, and my sense of humor. I can carry on conversations now with groups of people…and that's something that I won't give up. If the price of being able to do that is being a little snappy, oh well. :)

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