Friday, September 09, 2005

Should New Orleans Be Rebuilt?

This is a question?
Surely you jest.
Of course it should.
Ok, yes, building a bowl-shaped city that's surrounded on 3 sides by water was dumb. Yes. But it's too late now -- the place is there and it's historical, and you can't just not rebuild.
I think there are definitely questions as to whether they should rebuild in the places that got the worst of the flooding...the places that are even more than 6 feet below sea level. But for the most part, that city should be rebuilt.
Now, if and when they do rebuild, they need to make sure they learn from this. They must upgrade their levees to category 5 strength, stop developing and start restoring their wetlands. They need a better plan for how they're going to deal with this level of strength of hurricanes. Because with global warming an actual, factual thing that's happening, you know these storms are going to get worse, not better.
The people who run these things can fix this, I'm sure. Their mayor seems to be a go-getter.
Did you notice that there is definitely a South v North thing developing? One of the chicks on my pro-life list ranted about Yankees and stuff on Thursday or Wednesday. And now you hear comments here and there about "Who's talking about not rebuilding our city? Some dumbass in Minnesota???" Stuff like that. And if you see a few quotes about it in the media, you know that that is just a teensy, tiny sampling...there have to be a few thousand available quotes and those 2 or 3 are just the ones that made it. It's just a symptom, and now we're going to see a whole new level of feeling about the North v the South.
But I think the South never really got over the Civil War. Because for this to rear its ugly head now, it had to have been a festering wound...they've felt neglected and ignored by the rest of America long before this happened...

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