Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm Becoming Certifiable

OK now I know I'm going crazy.
I went to bed last night around 1 am. I awoke at 2am to see some kind of white misty thing moving toward me. I'm not kidding. See? I'm going crazy.
So I had to turn on the light again so I could sleep. Erg. I have never really believed in ghosts like the rest of my family does. Well, my dad doesn't either. But Mom and my sister are big fans of them. They think our family has some kind of poltergeist or something.
I think one of the prescriptions I'm on probably causes hallucinations. What else could it possibly be? I don't live in the 100 year old haunted castle-looking building anymore, so what's the deal?
And in other news, I'm doing my fourth step, got really angry at my mom, and sent her a nastygram. It went something like this:
"Dear Mom,
Thanks for the black sandals you gave me. They are very comfortable. I wore them to work today.
You let my step brother hurt me. You made me feel worthless.
I can't wait to see what'll happen when she gets that little letter bomb. I wish I hadn't sent it; it's going to do nothing but hurt her and I'm not someone who doesn't care about who she hurts anymore. Now I don't like hurting people. Plus you know that when you throw people's sins in their faces, you're likely to have some mud thrown in your face too. Cause everyone's got sins in their past.
So now I've started this complete shitstorm. I really wish I hadn't opened that can of worms.

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