Monday, October 10, 2005

My Mom and Sister Are Not Saints...

And it disgusts me that that is how they are portraying themselves to my dad's family. My cousin Nancy wrote to the family about Dad's hospitalization and stuff. I decided to reply .

Do you mind if I vent a little, confidentially? I don't really have anyone else to talk to.
Honestly, I am very very VERY angry at my mom and sister. I do not like them looking like they are taking such good care of him when in fact they are not and were not.

My mother has failed to take care of my Dad properly -- he's been having seizures for a while now and was having them at night and she never called an ambulance. She didn't care. Furthermore, she wants to leave my dad, which I can't blame her for, however last Wednesday, she and my sister cooked up this idea to dump him at a homeless shelter so he could go through their alcoholism program. Neither one of them checked on him to make sure he was ok (I can't tell you how long it has been that my dad has not been fully 'with it').

I went down there that night and not only did they tell me that it was dangerous for him there because of the vagrants but also that he was going to have to sleep on a damn mat on the floor. Dad was sitting in a chair repeatedly asking me to take him home but I couldn't because I had nowhere to put him, not a sofa, not a bed, nothing, and I didn't know if he could go back to the house because my mom had begun staying with my sister. So he kept asking me if I could take him home and I had to tell him that he had to stay there that night and THAT'S when he had the stroke Nancy.

I will never forget it...I thought he was starting to cry, and I think that's what he was doing, but then he just crumpled in front of me. Can you please pray that I will be able to forgive them? I thought I could leave ONE damn thing in their hands to take care of while I am taking care of Deirdre and boy was I wrong. I'm just disgusted and angry with them and with myself for not seeing this sooner! you know...yes, my dad is an alcoholic, and he brought a large part of this on himself, but he is still a human being and where is the compassion that his WIFE is supposed to have for him? That his daughter, whom he's been supporting for 32 years, is supposed to have for him? I should have done something sooner, but how much of this family's baggage do I have to take on? I know he did some wrong things, and he did them directly to my mom and sister, but they have just been treating him horribly now that he is old. It just makes me want to scream. I am so glad SOMEONE is taking care of him now.

Anyway, just needed to vent. thanks for listening.

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