Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Adminzilla's in some big trouble now...

Her 'tude has been brought to her manager's attention twice now. MJ is the latest culprit. I guess she got a little flaky with MJ because MJ happened to be answering Adminzilla's phone. All the EAs are supposed to back each other up. Napoleon doesn't like it when the executive phones are not answered by anyone. I remember one time when he called in and continually got me instead of an EA and he goes, "This is going to stop NOW." He was ticked.

And when you're in Napoleon's bad graces (can that be called graces?), you can be assured that you can be fired at any minute for any reason. Hell, I was almost fired by him once. I had screwed up and if my manager and another one had wanted me gone, he wouldn't have had a single problem with it. My sup even told me so. How she could be so matter of fact about that when telling me that my life was almost severly disrupted is beyond me…

Anyway, if she keeps inconveniencing him, he's just gonna get rid of her, I guarantee it. And Twiggy and MJ are going to be sorry when they have to do her job.

If I were my sup, who is the same person supervising all the EAs and Twiggy as well, I would be ticked that people keep going to Napoleon with these problems that Adminzilla is creating. Why do people keep going over her head? Probably because they don't think my sup will do a dang thing.

And guess what…they're right.

When I was late almost every bloody day, I remember my sup taking me into a conference room and telling me that I was right 'on the edge' of being fired because Napoleon was now noticing that I was always late (he usually pays no attention to the admins). If I didn't straighten up, I would be in total trouble.

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