Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Twiggy's Being Stalked by Bill Collectors

Ooooo the bill collectors are calling...I wonder what they want?
Twiggy gets a ton of calls from either telemarketers or bill collectors, or a combination of the two. You can tell which ones are the bill collectors; they will leave voicemail messages OR they will leave messages with me. "It's VERY IMPORTANT that she call Mrs. _________ at _______."  I just checked her voicemail and sure enough, "[Twiggy], call [Bill Collector's Name] immediately at _________." Don't forget the phone room noises in the background.
LOL this is the same bill collector (we'll just call them Bill) that zero'd out of Twiggy's voicemail and asked to speak to HR. Apparently, Twiggy transferred the bill collector to her own voicemail and the bill collector picked up on the fact that the voice on the greeting was the same as Twiggy's voice. LOL. Man, she was pissed with a capital P. She asked to speak to Human Resources! I knew she was a bill collector, so I was reluctant to give her the number. She asked for MY name! What the heck? I said, "What are you trying to accomplish? I'm not being snarky or anything, I just want to make sure you get to the right person." And she said, "Well, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but can I have the number to HR so I can get this figured out?" I gave her the other choice, really.
But I honestly don't know what a bill collector thinks they're going to accomplish by talking to HR. Really. HR is not going to do anything except to verify employment; and I'm not sure they'll even do that. This bill collector will probably have to be transferred again.
I guess that explains why Twiggy isn't applying for other positions. I know why, because I am in the same position: bad credit. She doesn't want to rock the boat, I would guess.
I know the MO of bill collectors; that's why it's so easy for me to identify that that is exactly who's calling Twiggy. God knows, they have stalked me in the past. I feel sorry for her. Mostly because of the shame she must feel about it; I have been there.
It is nice to know I'm not the only person around here who screws up. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Phreckle,

I read your entire blog (maybe you've noticed me poking around the archives?). I think I'm your very first comment! Now I kind of feel like I know you a little bit. I used to get those damn collection calls at work - what a pain in the behind. I finally started telling them "please hold" and then ignoring them. They eventually hang up and call back, so you tell them "please hold" again. It doesn't take long for them to realize they're wasting their time. Keep on blogging, I'll read it even if nobody else does!