Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I looked like death warmed over this morning. My acne looked terrible. This acne is really odd...I mean, I have 2 owies on my neck, and I never get anything there. Weird.
But the acne looked so terrible to me this morning that I decided I'd have to break down and put makeup on. I love Mary Kay's foundation. It covers so nicely and stays put. There's no sliding, no rubbing off, and it feels light and touchable. And when I went in the bathroom for the first time today, my skin looked beautiful. I also opted for mascara. And some blush. And I left it at that.
I just spoke with Boyfriend. He sounded sleepy. I told him I felt like I had to put makeup on this morning and he emphatically says, "GOOD!"
What the heck? I think that's probably just his way of saying, "I'm glad you felt like taking care of yourself this morning."
Thanks Boyfriend. :)

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