Friday, January 20, 2006

Monitoring and Corporate Maturity

I heard that my employer recently started monitoring IMs. I'm sure that blogs aren't far behind, if they haven't started already.
The company is really maturing into a less casually-run type of place. The operations division was never run casually. But the staff part was...the back office. I wouldn't say it was fast and loose or anything, but I would say that the company probably wasn't as militant about managing staff as they were about managing operations personnel.
I have a feeling that that is changing now.
Now I'm pretty sure that they don't have a technician who stares at a computer screen all day and reads IMs. I'm sure they use keywords or perhaps monitor usage randomly or something. It would be impossible to monitor 27,000 employees alllllll the time. Same goes with email.
Either way, the company is tightening up usage of their computer system, as is their right. And it's their duty, honestly. They have to protect client confidentiality and they have a right to make sure that their employees aren't misusing the company's resources for frivolity when they should be working, contributing to the bottom line.
I'm not sure what I should be working on when I don't have anything to work on, but never mind that! Bandwidth still costs money, and perception, as one past manager told me, is everything.
I have heard that they want to get rid of Firefox. Sometimes I wonder if this is because I downloaded Blockfall, a version of Tetris. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have downloaded such an extension. I have heard that the reason is security; I'm sure that's not it. If it were, IE would be the first to go. As one tech put it, "IE has security problems you could drive a truck through." I'm sure it's because you could add all kinds of extensions to Firefox; extensions and themes.
I think I'll research the topic today during any available downtime. :)

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