Friday, November 11, 2005


Wow, I just found another blogger who's like me in that she writes
about her personal life and vents about stuff and whatnot. :) Yippy
skippy. :) Now I don't feel so alone.

Her blog is called Opinionistas (
and it's pretty groovy. I love what she says about how to dress at the

"It's true, the wry personality that he's known since college, the girl
who legendarily scarfed down every available chicken wing at his
tailgates and promptly projectile-snorted Diet Coke upon hearing him
crack a joke in Family Law, is a far cry from the portrait of demure
reticence that I paint each day at the office. Head down, feet moving,
I hover as far below the firm's radar as possible. Keep your voice low
and even at all times. Never say a negative word about another
associate. Smile and nod during any conversation, but express no strong
views. Attend lunches and firm functions to appear congenial and
gregarious, but not so many that you're labeled "the social one."
Display pictures of any pets prominently on your desk to show that you
care about another living creature, but avoid overemphasizing that you
possess a life outside the confines of this building. Dress well, but
not too well, following standard office trends and making sure to hide
any prominent curves or attention-grabbing physical attributes. Rarely
take personal calls in the office, and always close your door when
doing so. Above all, meld fluidly into the surrounding taupe hallways
and conference room walls, fuse yourself smoothly into the firm's daily
mechanism. Blend in, and survive."

I wish someone had pointed this out to me about how to dress at work.
I'd have taken more care to cover my fat, and most importantly, my
inordinately large rear end. Well, lesson learned, I guess. Better late
than never.

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