Thursday, November 03, 2005

An EA Bites the Dust

You are experiencing an irresolvable mix of optimism and pessimism. You may become quite the philosopher as you seek to fulfill your basic material needs and sensual desires. Your intuition encourages you to develop a vision of your ideal future, but it is apparent that you must make adjustments as your values continue to change. You may not be able to transform your current situation, but minor corrections are certainly in order.

Well, I don't want to do a Nadine Hoabsh (or however her name is spelled) but I will say that I am shocked that one of the EAs was laid off. I never saw it coming. I thought for sure that if anyone was going to be laid off, it would probably be me. This person had been here at this company for over 10 years. It's just very sad. I hope she lands on her feet. She was the one who volunteered to be my 'little helper' with my weight loss. I may have had my differences with her, but she was a good employee. I wish her well.

In the meantime, I will be supporting two VPs. This is good for my resume, but I'm sad at how this happened. I would never have wanted to gain any advantages this way. I suppose one takes what one can get, but even so, it is all very sad.

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