Wednesday, November 16, 2005


That vapid bag of flesh I call Twiggy is gossipping about the latest unforunate's misadventures (Peanut Butter).

That she is gossipping is just routine.

That she is gossipping to Napoleon is insanely wrong. Why would you DO that?????? Good God, he is not your friend!!!! He is the person, who, if you screw up, is going to be the lawnmower mowing you down, bagging you up, and then walking your ass to the unemployment office! But you could be spared…if he likes you and will give you another change. She is ruining people's second chances by doing this!

I don't know if I can stand it.

Wait…salvation…sounds like she's gossipping to the Marketing Manager…we'll call that person M&M. M&M is actually nice. But I could have sworn that she tried to gossip to Napoleon about this. I know I heard his voice.

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