Monday, September 04, 2006

(no subject)

Oh's 10:30 at night and my dad's calling...he must have gotten his caller ID confused again and thought that I called.
"Secretary, it's your mother." Oh shit. We have a problem. "What are you doing right now?" That's worse.
"Good. I need you to come down here and get me. Your father's been stopped by the cops and I need to go get the car."
If they lose that car to an impound lot, it'll be wrack and ruin, and guess who they'll be calling? I can ignore their calls if I want, but I'd feel pretty bad. Especially knowing how much they need every hour that my mom can work.
So I pick up Mommy Dearest. She's pissed. After a few expletives wrapped in some angry statements against my dad, whom Munchkin considers to be her father, I remind her of the young ears listening from the backseat. "Oh, sorry, S."
All's well...Dad got stopped, got a nice fat ticket, and didn't get hauled off to the pokey.
I call my mom later on to check on what happened in the end.
"So, is Dad home or did he get arrested."
"No, he's home." She says this dejectedly, as though she hoped for him to get arrested.
"Mom, you sound disappointed. God, you sound almost mopey! Listen to yourself!" I'm laughing at the irony of this as I'm saying it.
"Well, I kinda was hoping..."
God, someone shoot me if I'm ever that miserable in a marriage or relationship and refuse to leave.

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