Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Expense Report Adventures

So ABC Nuts & Bolts recently sent its delegation off to their favorite tradeshow in Vegas. MFD is a total foodie, so she always goes to these really posh restaurants and her bills for her client dinners are exquisitely high.

"So how was Guy Savoy?"

"It was wonderful, absolutely wonderful."

"Tell me about it."

"Well, I had so and so there and we were talking with the waiter. He had this like French accent or something. SS says she wants something green, some vegetables. So he says, 'Well we have these fabulous vegetables in a raspberry reduction,' it sounds good, so she orders that. Then this other person wants some kind of soup. He recommends some soup. So everything's hunky dory until I get the bill. $65 for the vegetables, $75 for the bowl of soup. I about sh*t my pants…about $1200 for the whole thing!"

I knew that was going to happen. There were some other bills in the upper hundreds, but nothing over 2K. No really good alcohol-soaked tradeshow stories either. Bummer.

Oh wait, except that the Marketing Manager got food poisoning and had to STILL work through the dang tradeshow.

In other news, now that Nebraska football season has started, the guys, all naturally competitive sports freaks, are trying to get their clients to accompany them to Nebraska football games…at a rate of about $800 and some change per occasion, just for the tickets. When is management going to catch onto that one? Maybe never. LOL.

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