Friday, October 20, 2006

Visit is Cancelled

So Munchkin sees Mommy Dearest on Wednesdays and Fridays. Occasionally, Mommy Dearest cancels. Here's the message I got today from her:

"Have 2 cancel visit 4 2night cuz I'm not feeling well. Will & explain further. Sorry :-'("

So I message her back, "Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. What's going on?"

She messages me back. "Took med Dr F wanted me 2 try; feeling very zombie-ish. Ugh."

I almost texted back with, "Are you f'in kidding me? You're disappointing Niece because you feel zombie-ish? I feel like a zombie all week and still did my job!"

I remembered it's not about me just in time to keep from doing something that stupid. It's better when Niece DOESN'T see her mom. It throws her world out of balance and her behaviors get temporarily worse. I have to be honest and admit that I'm more p*ssed that I won't have any alone time than I am that she cancelled. Yes, I am selfish. Aren't we all?

But, yes, I'm also sorry for Niece. I mean, how must it feel for her? I don't know because I can't read her mind, but it can't be a picnic.

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