Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's My Birthday....

…no, not today. This month, on the 25th. 13 days after D-day, the day of THE trial. God I am looking forward to finally getting some dang resolution to this mess! And I will also say that I am glad it's in God's hands, not mine. Good Orderly Direction.

A VP was walking by my desk when a client services admin had just passed her and she stopped by and asked who that was. I told her. Somehow we got onto the fact that I'm turning 30 this month and I go, "I'm turning 30 this month! Don't I get something for that sh*t?" It was totally a joke and totally not tacky, but it seriously looks tacky in this post. But since I know the truth of its non-tackiness in the situation of which I speak, I will confidently say that I am not tacky. However, I used to be…horribly tacky. I don't feel like going there. I mean, read the rest of my blog and see how messed up I was - then you'll know. LOL

Anyways…..I'm going to be 30 and it's not too exciting. But in this office, it's easy for people to forget one's birthday and that means a loss of partying income. A birthday to these folks means, "Oh! $50 to the Secretary!" Ok, yes, I am tacky. : )

Last year, my birthday was totally forgotten, overlooked, you name it. So I came up with a plan! Cause I was feeling PRETTY damn sorry for myself and was actually quite weepy.

So the plan is this - save last year's cards, begin to display about two-three days prior to your birthday. Great idea, huh?

Works great for Secretary's day too. Save last year's Secretary's Day cards, display two-three days prior to event, and voila! A subtle reminder without the remindees knowing they're being reminded. I mean, like a frickin' charm!!!

And, no, they don't remember which card they gave you last year. Do you remember what birthday card you gave some nameless office face last year? Or even your best bud? Do you remember what your Christmas cards that you gave out looked like last year? Probably not, unless you have extras left over, or unless you have one box of Christmas cards stored in your desk that you use every year and consequently should be good to go for about four years worth of Christmases.

While we're talking about this stuff, you should probably check out Their tips run in the same vein as the ones that I just dispensed. LOL.

Ok, secretaries, work it!

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