Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So I'm trying to find my little hellion a new daycare because my friend who graciously offered to help me is getting near her expiration date. The wait at the behavioral day center is a month long, even though I have jumped through the hoops as quickly as possible. I'm hoping that someone else's hellion may have improved in the meantime and so may not need the services.

I find myself, instead of trying to be as honest as possible and trying to facilitate good communication, trying to lie as little as I can while still achieving my objective of finding a daycare for Niece.

My search is yielding very little fruit. The biggest find so far is a service that will help you find daycares, but their search product is $35. Just to search for a daycare!!! $35!!!! Just to SEARCH!!!

Still, perhaps $35 would be worth it for a little peace, a little less stress, and the lowering of my blood pressure!

I am in a huge bind. And right now I feel like I am not going to find a way out any time soon.


Anonymous said...

I can so relate to you. For me, its costing me $75 per week for just after school day care for my youngest. Man this is expensive.

I know there is not much I can do to help, but hopefully I can bring a little humor into your life to help you forget the hassles, if only for a little while. Come visit my blog at and enjoy. I have posted some really funny things there.

Thanks for posting your blog. I try my best to keep up with you when I can.



Anonymous said...

Look Ma! I have a fan! :) Just kidding. Thanks for stoppin by :)