Monday, October 16, 2006

Cricket, You Win

You have slaughtered me.

Your IVR is absolutely impenetrable. Had I known this, I'd have stalked my butt over to one of your cheap strip mall locations with your clueless employees and complained at them for a while during lunch.

But I didn't know that. Instead I peacefully ate my salad and started reading a new Dean Koontz novel.

So now I'm trying to get one of your local stores on the phone, which is about as achievable as getting Mr. Wrong to set one size 14.5 food in Nebraska, or about as achievable as getting my five year old to stop assaulting teachers and wussy daycare workers. It's about as achievable as my ex deciding to be faithful to any one woman while in a relationship lasting longer than fifteen minutes.

I could go on and on about this, but I won't. Suffice it to say that I get what I pay for and I'm not paying much for this shiznit.

Having a cell phone is almost like some kind of addiction. Really.

Fine! I will just double-pay you greedy mofos!! For f*ck's sake!


Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear that you are in such pain. What is Cricket and what did they do? Give us a public service announcement so we do use them.

Remember...Don't get mad...Get even.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call it pain. Cricket is my cell phone provider.