Friday, March 04, 2005

Friday Update
It's payday!!!! Thank God! I was so broke. Now I am flush. Woohoo!!!

Called Mr. T yesterday at BF's insistence and told him about Irritato's over-friendly habits. He confided to me that yes, Irritato is over-friendly, yet harmless, also that Irritato is married with a family but has confided to Mr. T that he has a few girlfriends. Well I am not going to be girlfriend number 4. Irritato hasn't been up to bother me lately, so I am happy about that.

But I still need the hole in my ceiling fixed in my bathroom. I'm thinking about telling Mr. T that if it's not done next week, I will have it fixed myself and take the money off the bill while providing him with a receipt.

Hmmm...I actually feel like putting on makeup today. Will do that after I'm done working on my Blog.

Told la Buddha about my blog and she naturally asked if she could have access to it. I naturally said no. She naturally backed right off.

I couldn't resist telling Twiggy about my encounter with Adminzilla yesterday. She loved it. Man, Twiggy really lives on drama and that's pretty contemptible. But I better not say that too loudly -- because I sometimes live on drama too.

Some chick posted on my single parents group that her son's dad sent him a card and she sent it back without letting her son see it. From her other posts, I can see she is a drama queen and that she loves the drama with her son's dad. Anything to hurt her son's dad. Still pissed at him for cheating on her and leaving her. I will get reamed for it, but I posted that I thought it was wrong. If Phrecklette's dad wanted to send Phrecklette a card, I would totally give it to her and I would keep it forever for her. If Phrecklette's dad or mom wanted to see her, I would let them. Why not? You can't protect kids from that. They are going to grow up and the truth is going to come out. It's better and healthier not to live with lies or half-truths (which are really half-lies). You just can't protect them from everything.

This reminds me of Janwitch trying to protect her son from knowing that he has a sister, who is Phrecklette. Well I am not going to be involved in that concealment. Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

BF came over last night and one thing led to another...and it felt ok at the time, but I do not want to be intimate with him like that all the time. It sure seems to me like he is a lot more interested in coming over to my house and hanging out with me when he thinks he can get some. The reason he came over last night was to fix the hook and eye on my door, though, so I'm not going to level that charge at him yet. I want to make sure I'm right.

He's supposed to come over tonight and actually fix it since his fix from last night did not work -- surprise surprise. He is not the most talented handyman on the planet, that is for sure. I'm thinking about telling him that I'll fix it myself. After all, though he is not very talented, I am. :)

I figured out last night that I was doing my little flowers wrong when I joined them to eachother. Damnit. That's ok. Now that I know exactly what to do, it'll be no problem. :) I can't wait to go to lunch so I can crochet a few more clusters. :) I love learning new things.

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