Friday, December 28, 2007

It's Dedee, Bitch

So my little blossom, no, not an onion blossom, but a flower blossom....has decided most decidedly that she wishes to be called none other than Dedee. And she picked the spelling, so don't blame me.

Now I know I'm not supposed to be spiteful, I'm supposed to be a little angel, a 12 stepping, serene angel, whose serenity nobody can freak with. Gonna try and keep it G rated so that if I decide to de-privatize this blog, I won't look like a big rear opening from which waste is escaping when it's not supposed to be. :)

So anyway, I know I'm supposed to be a little 12 stepping serene angel person, but I'm not, I'm a bitch sometimes, just like anyone else. :) And so, I can't help it but get a slightly warm and fuzzy feeling in the cockles of my little black heart when my sister gets a wee bit irritated that Dedee has chosen this name, and that she was most certainly encouraged in this choice by her ex foster parents, whom my sister despises. Why she despises them, I know not, as they were an awesome family for Dedee.

Oh, probably because she has lost the biggest fight of her life, that of trying to keep her child. And her self-worth is in the shitter. Oh dang it, Compassion and Maturity, go back to your corners, no one wants your boring asses around here!

1 comment:

Deech said...

Sometimes it does feel good doesn't it?
