Monday, September 17, 2007


Every time I want to post a happy blog about something having to do with the Mackistani, I always think, 'Well ok, but just remember you might regret that later when it doesn't work out.' Gosh, what stupid thinking. I'm happy today and I need to just stay in today.


What a great weekend! On Friday we went to see Knocked Up. Sometimes it's hard seeing movies with the Mackistani. He doesn't have much of a willing suspension of disbelief going on. He's extremely grounded in reality. That's why it was hard to watch the latest installment of the Bourne trilogy, because during the fight scenes, he's in the seat next to me, muttering in his accented voice, 'This is such bullsh*t!. Bullsh*t. I call bullsh*t!' Just kidding about that last part. It was funny though, right? :o)

So then Saturday came and we spent most of the day at home but then went shopping because I needed some new clothes as I have lost some weight. I asked A to go with me as I always talk myself out of buying anything. It was fun but I felt awkward. I eventually got over it.

So here is the crown jewel of the weekend -- dancing at the gay club. We have this awesome gay dance club - The Max - - and I had suggested that we go to it. So we did and we had a BLAST. We both agreed that I need sluttier clothes though. LOL. We're going to shop. LOL.

In other news, D got a bike this weekend. We are putting the training wheels on tonight. She is muy excited! I am too, because she just gained another two pounds. Oh no! That dang medication is reallllly chunking her out. I still think she's adorable but I am just worried about her health.

Have you ever been in love with someone and felt drunk on it or something? That's how I feel right now. Although he is an athlete and I'm not and there are some differences between us, this is the easiest relationship I have ever been in. Even easier than things were with ex boyfriend in the beginning. That beginning was over in month four, when I found out he'd been cheating.

I'm just happy, happy, happy. :o)

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