Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Job Woes, Goals, and Zaftigiousness

Nah, don't worry, my job is fine. I am just steeply unmotivated today.

So unmotivated that I had to go home and take a nap during lunch. I'm doing much better now but I have p*ssed away most of the day. Which, strangely enough, I do regret and feel guilty over. Ugh. D*mn conscience is growing or somethin.

ANYWAY, I was inspired by the departure of a colleague of mine to look at the job ads. So I took a gander.

And couldn't find anything in my field that I was remotely interested in. Really.

And my primary reason why? Because I have become a horridly slothful employee! Well, at least for today. On some other days, I am wildly industrious and can get many, many things done.

I just have no passion for being a secretary, a lackey, anymore. I'm not really very interested in helping people, and I want to think more. This has grown way too easy. Every time I look in the job ads for something new, I find things that I could easily do but have no motivation to hop from one frying pan to another.

I guess I'm going to have to get some kind of education. I can't do this forever. Thank heavens my sponsor gave me a goals assignment. I have to come up with my one year goals and five year goals. I want to do the assignment but I also do NOT want to do it lol. I think she's worried that I'm going to get bored and then go get a boyfriend to fill in the gaps. She needn't worry. I feel too fat to find a desireable boyfriend.

Guys that like fat chicks seem primarily interested in one thing and it shall remain nameless while I type this on my office computer. They're just as bad as shallow hounds trolling around clubs looking for a stick thin blonde. The reason they like more zaftig women? Maybe I'm just overly negative, but I find that it's probably because they deem the zaftigs to be more attainable and easier (in the vulgar sense) than stick thin blondes. I'm sure there are men out there who aren't shady and who are just simply attracted to thicker women. Jolly good for them. But I have yet to meet a non-shady one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister.