Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Five Minutes to Write a Post

I have five minutes to write this post, then I have to go get some Excedrin Migraine and then the child and then the newly-crowned Bacon Bringer.

Today was kind of an off day. I woke up with a humdinger of a caffeine-withdrawal headache. Yikes. Took the wee one to school, got myself some Motrin, went back to bed. Later on I took Bacon Bringer to work and then wandered around a bit. I brought him a sandwich for lunch, then I went to see Twilight at the 1:15 showing...only it turned out that the website had the wrong showing soooo it was 2:15 instead. Shiznit.

I didn't want to wander around the city for so long, so I decided to instead wander the mall. First off - lunch. I snagged a chicken salad sandwich from Arby's and had a seat in the food court. The food court is such a bright, white, and bluish-gray place. There is a lot of light, a lot of white paint, and a lot of bluish-gray tabletops and seats on white frames. It's very noisy over at Westroads Mall. I thought today as I sat chewing my sandwich that I could finally understand why it is that restaurants have those that everywhere a diner looks, they won't be staring at someone. Intimacy I suppose.

Lunch couldn't last forever so off I went to wander the mall. I returned a call to a friend of mine and we talked about different things, mostly the Disease and how freaky it is. I apparently had a lot to say and was excited to be talking to a non-family member, as I felt like I was interrupting a lot and not letting her get a world in edge-wise. We talked for around 30 minutes and then it was time for Twilight...and nachos.

They sure did pick the right actor to play that vampire, Edward. Holy lord, he is hot. But not just hot in terms of the pretty-boy hotness. That character's entire package - his deportment, voice, etc., - all of these things add up to a tragically, terrifically hot predator. That is one of those movie characters that you just sit and wish was real. You sit and think, why can't there be guys like that in world? He is too perfect, though, really. That character had no flaws...I'm not sure if he urinates or poops, but I can bet that he would not leave the seat up. Speaking of which, that is one beauty of living with a Muslim. Anyway, that's TMI. Bacon Bringer might be upset if he read that particular divulgance. (Is divulgance a word?)

The silence at home during the day is a little deafening. I'm by myself too much. That hasn't morphed into eating, but I sure don't feel like doing anything, including much eating.

At first it seemed like God had answered my prayers when I walked out of that building on Friday...finally I would be free of the constraints that others have. I could pick and choose my next longer under anyone's thumb...unable to say no to any ridiculous request. No more of that nonsense...that I got paid. for.

That's all fine and dandy but there's one problem...all the people I would like to hang out with during the day work. There are no meetings during the day, either, except on Fridays over in Counciltucky. You can be sure I will be attending that meeting.

I must not slide into depression and loneliness. I can prevent this. I must stay in contact with others. I must keep myself busy. I cannot let this turn into me sleeping too much and eating too much and just doing anything too damned much. I have friends, I have intellect, hobbies, stuff I can do. I just need to find my groove and get into it. It might take some wiggling about.

Then once I'm in my groove, next step is a part time job. A friend of mine told me today that if I'm going to work part time and I have a choice in what I do, then I ought to find something that I love. But I don't love anything that I can get paid for. I love to sing, crochet, read, plan stuff, coach other people...I'm not sure what job that would be.

Oh well, first thing's first. I've been writing too long and won't be able to get migraine meds before I get the munchkin, but that's ok, I'll just take some Motrin.

Anyway, like I was saying, first thing's first. I'm in love with the Twilight series from that film...I will have to find those books.

Next up, plan Munchkin's birthday party...need bracelet kit, invitations, cake mix and frosting, as well as candles. Plus streamers and balloons. And guest list. Ok, maybe the party should come before the books. :)

Third, list my old work clothes on eBay (note to self: need de-fuzzer first).

Fourth, continue doing a great job of taking care of family.

Today's fear is: Hubby finding out I went to a movie. And that dinner will not be all that great because I didn't spend hours on's leftovers.

Shopping: Need bread and raisin bran, plus skim milk. Aldi, here I come.

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