Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Automaker CEO Says He Will Work for $1/year

To get federal aid.


As someone who of course felt that the CEOs of those failing companies should not make so much dang money, I must say that this latest pledge does the cockles of my heart no good.


I realized it as I read this article. I expected that if a CEO got paid virtually nothing after asking the government for bailout money, that I would feel, as a citizen and a consumer, vindicated. Nope. You know what went through my mind?




That’s when I realized something.


We don’t really care whether they take a paycut or not.


It *is* and it *isn’t* about corporate excess.


What it’s really about for the average American is revenge.


We want all their money taken away. That’s what we want, emotionally speaking. We want THEM to be poor, to pay unreasonable taxes on barely any d*mn money, to have to choose to either pay the rent or take the kid to the doctor, to have to haggle with THEIR bank about when they can pay their car payment. We want THEM to deal with creditors and live on the cusp of homelessness because they just can’t get ahead.


That’s what we are FEELING. It’s not logical, that is for sure. Basically, I sense a growing feeling among average Americans that they are being screwed. And there is a growing frustration and anger about it.


Just my opinion of course.


I’m just a secretary.

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