Friday, December 05, 2008

No Longer a Secretary

Well kids I am done with ABC Nuts and Bolts. I've been fired. Yep, that's right: fired.

What happened was this: a dear coworker was laid off earlier this week. His phones were forwarded to me after we came out of the meeting where they told us about it. His wife called not five minutes after that meeting. I was still in shock and told her while in this fog that he'd been laid off. Yes, stupid, I know.

Well Napoleon was pretty unhappy. I certainly never intended to hurt anyone, though I know that was really stupid. He actually yelled at me while I was in my cube. I don't know if he expected me to defend myself when confronted with this, but I didn't defend myself. I agreed with him regarding everything he said; 'that was really a dumb, dumb move' (yes, you're right, and I regretted it the moment it came out of my mouth). 'Guy worked here 20 years and you tell his wife?' (yes, you're right, that was the wrong thing to do and I wish I could take it back).

And I absolutely meant all that I had said. I knew it was dumb from the moment it happened. I didn't mean to tell anyone. I considered calling the guy and making amends right away. I didn't know if I should. But it was clear today that he must have been upset. So after I talked to SeaBee, I called him right up and made amends. He said it showed a lot of character that I had called and apologized and made my amends. Well, yippy skippy. I wish I'd done it the moment it happened, honestly. Then I wouldn't have been fired.

You know....I'm not a vindictive, spiteful person anymore. I'm just not. I was at one time. But never would I intentionally hurt someone whom I respected that way.

Not working there anymore is scary. It's scary and it's also not scary. I keep will I explain being fired? Who would want to hire a person who makes judgment errors like that? Oh lord, now the Mackistani will be paying the bills. That's just great. I guess I can work full time on becoming a software tester and selling stuff on eBay. I won't be able to live the way I want to live now...because I'll have to depend on someone else to pay for everything and I am not going to be going to them and asking them for money all the time.

Next is freeing not to be there anymore. I will miss the people that I worked with. I feel sad that the receptionist will be spreading venom about me all over the place. Many people may have the wrong impression of me due to this. Christine will relish it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh shit! So sorry to hear about this and also my apologies for being out of touch. I have been so out of it the last few weeks.

You know my number. If there is anything I could do...even be an ear...let me know.